Pastoral Care

As a Catholic school, St Joseph’s College seeks to foster in each student the development of their complete humanity based on the model and inspiration of Jesus Christ. Pastoral Care structures and policies reflect the Christian ethos of individuals caring for and respecting one another.

In the Junior School the classroom teacher is the foundation of the pastoral care structure. The Junior School operates on the premise that there must be a genuine and consistent partnership between the child, the teacher and the parent. To help encourage and nurture this relationship, parents are encouraged throughout the Junior School years to be active participants in the learning process via both direct and indirect assistance in the classroom, homework supervision and encouragement, attendance at special events such as liturgies, assemblies, parent meetings and sports days as well as help with excursions and Masses. Students in Middle School liaise closely with a Home Room Teacher, who oversees both their social and academic progress on a daily basis. Team Leaders work with Home Room Teachers and classroom teachers to provide ongoing educational support for students with special problems or needs. The Head of Middle School assumes overall responsibility for the pastoral welfare and academic achievement of all Middle School students and works with students, parents and teachers as required. Pastoral Care in the Senior School is an extension of the Middle School model. Students in Senior School liaise closely with their Home Room Teacher, who oversees their social and academic progress. Senior School Co-ordinators and the Head of Curriculum work with Home Room Teachers and classroom teachers to provide ongoing educational support for students with particular needs. In addition, the College Psychologist and Careers Adviser are also available to support students.

The Head of Secondary School assumes overall responsibility for the pastoral welfare and academic achievement of all Secondary School students and works in partnership with students, parents and teachers.