St Joseph’s College is a place where young people are valued for their God-given individual gifts, encouraged to accept responsibility for their actions and challenged to enact Jesus’ Word and deeds.
JUNIOR SCHOOL - Three Year Old Programme to Year Six
St Joseph’s Junior School caters for children from Three Year Old to Year Six. It provides a foundation of quality learning. The Junior School provides a learning environment that caters for the spiritual, academic, social, physical, and emotional requirements of early and developing learners. It aims to develop the whole person through academic activities, play, reflection, prayer, music, sports activities and active learning.
MIDDLE SCHOOL - Year Seven to Year Nine
Middle Schooling has been implemented at St Joseph’s College after a process involving extensive educational, parental and community consultation. Middle Schooling aims to promote the abilities and talents of students in Years Seven to Nine, in a positive and vital way. It seeks to validate and invigorate a vital stage of life by providing a sound educational context and purpose for young people and their learning.
Instead of separating Junior and Senior Schooling as discrete and totally distinct stages of human learning and development, Middle Schooling provides an intermediary phase which draws and builds on the strengths of traditional Junior and Senior Schooling practices, celebrates the Middle School years in their own right and also prepares students for their Senior School studies.
SENIOR SCHOOL - Year Ten to Year Twelve
St Joseph’s College Senior School acknowledges that the emotional and psychological needs of adolescents aged between fourteen and seventeen are significantly different from younger children. As a result, educational methodology needs to reflect those needs. Older adolescents need to be exposed to greater freedom and independence in order to achieve personal development and growth. The structure of Senior School addresses these needs. Senior School students are provided with more choices and greater responsibilities.